

12 month/12,000 Mile Warranty on Repairs

Factory-Trained Volvo Specialists

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Exhaust System Repairs Done Right

Let Autoshow Sales & Service, LLC make sure your vehicle's exhaust system is running at maximum performance. We repair, replace and maintain all aspects of your car's exhaust, including the muffler and catalytic converter. If you've noticed excessive smoke and fumes coming out of your vehicle, bring it to Autoshow Sales & Service!

Call (508) 202-7936 to make an appointment and if we miss your call, you will hear back from our shop within the same business day. We honor most extended warranties and if your vehicle was damaged in a collision, we'll work with your insurance company. Towing is available for our customers only!

Fixing Mufflers and Other Exhaust Parts

  • Catalytic converters
  • Mufflers
  • O2 sensors
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"Great service reasonably priced. Definitely knows his Volvos."

- Joe O via Google

Learn More About Autoshow Sales & Service, LLC

Located at 4 Falls Street Rehoboth, MA 02769, Autoshow Sales & Service, LLC specializes in brakes, suspension, transmission, scheduled maintenance and oil changes. Factory-trained Volvo specialists. Warranties available. Competitive pricing. Contact us today.

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